Don’t you think there is something which has changed in our society? Don’t you feel that there is something which we overlook or probably we have forgotten? For those who haven’t understood let me share that I am talking about Ethics. Be it our Personal life or even our professional we tend to overlook our values which in turn takes us on the path of disagreements, conflicts plus inconsistency.
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dO yOu HaVe iT? |
Ethics akin to standards are the basic foundation of a human being. Some of you in your daily lives are occupied with Personal and professional circumstances or conditions where in you have to take decisions which are based on your inherited moral values and Ethics while there would be some who will have to deal with these situations using morality from society, Religious as well as experiences which they had gathered during there life time. There aren’t any if’s and but’s when we talk about ethics or moral values. By this I mean that the Principles or values which are established within you by your Parents, Society, religion as well as various other diverse factors are present inside you or either you don’t hold these ingredients. In short either you have moral values and principles or you don’t.
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EithEr YoUr TruE To Ur OwN SelF or YoUr NoT ... |
Many of us will either be truthful or we wont, in addition to the above either you are sincere or you are not. Ethics or the so called moral values as well as principles are aspects which help and outlines in depicting and understanding as how people will take decisive actions on a similar situation.
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What Do YoU ThInK ? |
Therefore these Values act as a foundation for a society and People amalgamation. Genuineness, Honesty, Integrity, Sincerity, Honor, Respect, openness and a variety of similar elements helps one to think as well as execute each day’s responsibility. Today in our daily chores whatever we do or execute is influenced by a thought process; a process which is based on influence, Experiences, Examples, social and Religious Obligations, our Family and loved ones, Teachers, Friends/Peers. Personal values or ethics is a part and segment of philosophical studies; it shows as how an individual reacts to a situation. Being human it’s in our nature that we have to take and act upon the foundation of morality and principles as explained above.
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LoCaTe ThE DiFFeRenCe's? |
At present many individuals or philosophers feel that personal ethics are different from Business ethics. But if we look deeply into the subject then we can clearly find evidence that professional decisions plus work activities are too based on one’s personal values and experience. There could be a difference in the way one handles a situation but then our decision which we take in our Personal as well as Professional life’s have one critical thing in common and it can also be taken as an evidence to eradicate the differences in both ideologies. The common and critical factor is the affect; Yes! The decisions which we take during our professional and personal life affects all areas of life and that includes family, loved ones, co-workers, Professional contacts, Relationships. If we reflect morality and integrity in both categorizes of life then I am sure that our influence as a Person on others will be great.
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ProFessiOnaL aNd PeRsoNal LiFe EtHic'S |
At the moment it seems as I am getting drifted from the original topic but then these are common factors which supports a person in his Professional life. That being said I will surely explain and pen down ethics s well as its importance in our Personal lives; henceforth let me share some valuable information on The Naked Truth beneath Blind Faith of Company Ethics.
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ThE UgLy TrUtH... |
I hope you might have understood and recalled from the above said as well as from your own experiences as how an individual can execute a responsibility. Every decision of yours is supported on the base and exclusive belief of Ethics. Consequently these personal codes of conduct are also used during your Professional career path. Moreover one cannot ignore the fact that today organizations want there employees to maintain a respect and dignity in one's own society. Now to do that they want there employee to follow ethical norms of society, therefore one wont deny that Professional ethics are too dependent on personal ethics.
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Don'T YoU ThiNk So? |
Give a thought guys and you will tend to understand as what I am trying to share. If you try to understand this journey of Professional ethics then you will understand and come face to face with an effortless truth that these moral values as well as ethics are the necessary factors which makes an individual a leader and helps them to rise in there Career path. These values are similar to the ones which we use in our daily life’s and ask our childrens to use. So Once you start playing with your Professional Ethics then its very much sure that your Personal Life Will be Hampered more/less. Furthermore in near future this impact would only increase. By the way have you guys ever thought as what would be the condition of the coming generations?; Will they be happy and stay sincere? Aren't we forcing them to a Future which is GoinG to HavE No Ethics?
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Do YoU HavE an AnsWeR? |
In today’s world you will find many individuals who have the basic philosophy plus thought process which they facilitate/encourage that if they aren’t hurting and hampering anyone then they can do whatever they desire. Many of you will disagree to the said statement but then this nude truth wont change.
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aNd iT's a WroNg WaY.... |
Yes! Thoughts like this in turn enforce a person to indulge in work politics. The complimentary visage of the imaginative, inventive as well as shrewdness plus person’s intelligence is always ambitious and greedy for supremacy, identification, acknowledgment, recognition, power and influence. Humans are more inclined towards there own interests and needs which in turn helps them to decide and understand that there own priorities plus requirements are critical than others. Now for example if you turn on your idiot box which people call TV; you will try watching a channel which interests you, above all if you had a bad day, your will prefer either to close the TV set or else you will watch something which is not going to make you worse. Being Humans we tend to foresee that our own necessities are more important than others. Henceforth you will tend to use this process or principle in your professional environment too.
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hmmm.. Hard to Decide.. |
In this competitive world every professional individual is running a sprint marathon. People who are working in a professional organization are executing there professional responsibilities with a dream to get more happiness and money. With a dream in mind and a mission to succeed in life will make you struggle for all the above mentioned elements. I am not saying that you need to stop dreaming or YOU don’t have the right to stay happy. What I simply mean is that when you struggle as well as explore a new way to bring in additional happiness to your family and self MANY of you will tend to indulge in practices or mind games which will automatically arise from the inquisitive mind.
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KeEp GoInG...... |
The consistent effort in performing or gaining authority will make you struggle and further it enforces to fight for the dream milestones. This constant struggle for power and identification sometimes impose You and your curious minds to use practices which probably reaches a high point one day and then some of your professional peers will indict you of playing Politics; further more during the course towards accomplishments, many of you tend to anticipate as what you are into and many get blamed for what they never wanted to do; but then its not about what they foresee or what you used to think during the start of the career. It’s about the behavior change which indulges and forces you into Work Politics.
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EthiC's... MoraL's...ValUe's |
Before I go any further let me be straight forward that No organization is and will be completely free from the politics. Now different individuals might have there own definitions for Office politics; however what I feel is that office politics or work diplomacy refers to the use and manipulation of situations, power and people to secure their position, gain from the situation, let others down or even increase their own power, image and status within the organization.
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MaNipulaTion, PromoTion, JealousY... |
If I am talking about politics then let me illuminate that many of us will comprehend to the truth that Politics can either be organized or implemented by a Single Person or it can be executed by a small Group/Team. Of course, being into the thoughts of demoting others or seeking a self promotion or probably both, contradicting ideologies, back biting, **s licking, Jealousy, wicked spirit bosses,
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ThE abOve SaiD SpeciEs cAn Be FounD in EvErY OrgaNizaTion..... |
Mystery viewpoint and actions of colleagues and many more – politics can be observed at every Nook and corner of each Organization. In fact today the word Politics can be seen at every sphere and place of Human atmosphere. Henceforth one must agree that No organization will ever be free from Politics.
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believe iT or NoT buT iT haPpEns!! |
and KeeP SmiLinG !!!