New Delhi. Facebook coming to market within a few days from the manipulation of people have started to boo. Some shareholders have complained of the fact that Facebook's founder and a few close ones are listed at the stock market has made them the cash.
Facebook founder and largest shareholder of this act by Mark Jkrberg approximately 3 million shares for cash to get that today there are nearly 17 million. Jkrberg 113 million of its shares are listed are for the cash register.
Experts believe that if it was Facebook's stock is below $ 10 a few days.
How to Hype?Experts believe that if it was Facebook's stock is below $ 10 a few days.
Facebook recently launched an IPO of loud noise. Facebook's IPO price of 93 billion dollars was being valued at between $ 140 billion. Interestingly, Facebook had its IPO price band to $ 34-38. The first company to its IPO price band of $ 28-35 was determined. $ 38 price band according to the maximum level of the measured value of Facebook when the company nearly $ 104 billion, more than half a million works out to Rs. Until Tuesday to raise $ 15 billion through an IPO to $ 16 billion, Facebook already extended to the size of the IPO. The initial public response was so tremendous, that the company through an IPO to raise up to $ 18 billion was considered.
How the bubble bursting?
IPO of the world's largest social networking site Facebook was hit and Ovrsbskraib. Listing of shares on May 18 from Facebook. On Tuesday, more than four per cent share price has dropped $ 33 per share. Hype about the issue for months, but the stock fell below 14 per cent and the highest level of $ 45 per dollar on Friday went down nearly 28 per cent. Facebook on Friday was the day of the IPO, the biggest catastrophe. Paper market value within three days, the company lost nearly $ 15 billion. Tuesday's stock market closed up nearly 9 per cent share of Facebook had reached down to $ 31.
LNM Facebook
It's very interesting to know that the college began in 2004, Facebook has become such a big company. Jukrberg said Facebook had not built a company, but it was created to fulfill a social mission. Facebook's mission to make the world more open and connected to each other. Facebook's total revenue in 2005 was nearly half a million. This was increased to $ 77.7 million in 2009 that in 2011 nearly 3.7 billion dollars (370 million) was. The company's revenues in 2011 compared to 2009 increased by five times. In the early years of advertising through Facebook, but now the company earns money earns through games and other applications. The company now earns 15 percent of Facebook Farmvile running game is to Jinga. At the end of 2004, Facebook had a total of one million users were better than American schools. Facebook now has more than quadrupled to 900 the number of users. At the end of March on Facebook 901 million (90 million) were active users. The total population of the United States three times.