As an internet marketer you may have heard several times that money is in the list. But the recent buzz is money is in the relationship with the list. Without any doubt you can make more money from a highly responsive small list than a big list with less response but before building a relationship with list, you need to build it first.
In this article I will try to highlight five 100% free methods that you can use to build your mailing list. I will not lie you that these methods will flood you with traffic in a day or two and help you build big list. Methods outlined below are long term traffic investments if done correctly and patiently they will bring you high quality subscribers for long time.
Many people are living in big misconception that article marketing is dead. But bitter reality is it has become more powerful than before. Article marketing methods changed with time it is not dead. Article directories are still the most powerful source of quality traffic.
Today you have to write article that people will love to syndicate then you can expect good amount of quality traffic from syndicated content. To make it work you have keep submitting articles to article directories regularly, 2-3 articles each week is good, daily best.
But do not compromise on quality of article because if quality gets compromised, no one will syndicate, if there is no syndication, there will be no traffic.
Create Your Own Blog
Yes you read it right, create a blog. To get quick traffic from search engines target long tail keywords. The advantage of having your own blog is that you can establish yourself as an expert very quickly in front of your audience which may help you get more subscribers and more sales.
Using Youtube
Youtube is no doubt has become world\\\’s biggest search engine today. It is already proven that people has started searching on youtube more than regular search engines. Convert articles you have written for article marketing and blog into videos and upload them to youtube.
Note that youtube has become strict nowadays on use of software generated videos so please use your own voice else your youtube channel might get terminated for violating their terms and conditions.
After Google’s penguin update many people are considering guest blogging to get traffic. Need not to say but guest blogging is one of those methods which brings highest quality traffic. So do not keep yourself away from advantage. If you have not done guest blogging before consider it now, learn more about it and I am sure you will not regret your decision.
Try To Get Free Joint Venture
Now this is a difficult method and may not work every time as planned. First of all create your own product like e-book, audio or video which you can trade against email addresses. Then visit a small marketer in your niche and place a offer to him/her.
Tell them that you will replace all links in your e-book and thank you page with their affiliate links. If they do not agree then place final offer that you will try hard-sell any one product with their affiliate link in email copy. There are little chances that the person may say yes but if he/she does you can expect some free subscribers.
Before we close I want to remind you all above methods are long time investment projects to gain quality traffic and will also require consistency. You can not expect traffic the very next day from any of the above methods also you need to apply at least 3 of them simultaneously to expect good results.
Apply above methods if you are interested in building list for free. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.