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Top 10 Entrepreneurs Under 30

Being ambitious and energetic is definitely an advantage for entrepreneurs of any age. Entrepreneurs under the age of 30 also have the advantage of youth and time on their side. Young people who eschew the thought of a traditional career working at a desk job in corporate America may focus their energy on starting a business of their own.

The entrepreneurial spirit is something an individual usually has instilled in them from a very early age. Whether it was a lemonade stand at age 8, delivering newspapers at age 10 or earning money by mowing lawns as a teenager, young people learn that working hard and working smart can lead to earning money and achieving goals.

Today's under 30 successful entrepreneurs have many things in common such as being able to think quick and deal with issues like a shortage of funds or hiring employees. Almost every successful start-up company takes advantage of technology and social media to give their entrepreneurial endeavors the best chance to succeed.

From: Business MBA